“My husband Rich was retired from the NYC firefighter dept. We lived in Pennsylvania when the Towers were hit. Devastated by the news of 9/11 we watched in horror while the 2nd plane hit the Twin Towers on that tragic day. He drove his car to the World Trade Center Site to help out with recovery and rescue. When he arrived at Ground Zero every thing was blocked off. He was In full fire gear telling the officer my brothers are buried in that rubble they need my help. After sifting threw tons of rubble with fellow firefighters they pulled out a deceased NYC Firefighter Chief and a male civilian from the top of the North Tower, which was 12 stories high who were crushed by the buildings. The rescuers kneeled and said a prayer for them and gently passed their bodies out of the rubble. When my husband returned home he was tired,emotional and mentally exhausted. He had World Trade Center dust covering him from head to toe.
He still gets choked up every time someone talks about 9/11. His health has been compromised as he has been dealing with respiratory and lung issues since 9/11 but he was honored to have helped his firefighter brothers and fellow New Yorkers that tragic day and said he would do it again in a heartbeat. This picture was taken of him at the World Trade Center site. RIP TO ALL THE LIVES LOST ON 911. WE CAN NEVER FORGET. GOD BLESS ALL AMERICANS AND ALL THE HEROS THAT MAKE THIS COUNTRY GREAT. ❤️🇺🇸🙏🏻”
Cre: Maryann Frisse Gazzola
Never overlook September 11th. We value your ongoing efforts to pay tribute to the people we lost. We are unified in remembering and overcoming as a group.We honor their service, take pride in their achievements, deeply respect their commitment, and are profoundly grateful for their sacrifices. Hero Honor Gear